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May 14, 2024

#42 - Year-Round Celebration: Honoring Court Reporting & Captioning in the Big Apple

#42 - Year-Round Celebration: Honoring Court Reporting & Captioning in the Big Apple

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Tune in to Episode 42 to hear what the New York State Unified Court System has to say about the value of court reporters, the guardians of the record. Hear firsthand just how crucial we are to keeping the legal wheels turning in the Big Apple. Go team New York!

Flashback to Court Reporting and Captioning Week (back in February 2024), when I had the pleasure of being interviewed by a bright high schooler, accompanied by an attorney. Picture this: the two knock on my office door, they walk in, notepad and pen in hand, ready to soak up every word I say like a sponge. It felt like I was a guest on a top-rated podcast – talk about feeling like a celebrity! I even joked that I should've hit record and made it an official episode of the Court Reporter Podcast.

So, I attempted to recreate that interview and I had my husband Joey Seymour interview me. Let's just say, lightning didn't strike twice. It didn't have the same spark, the same flow. But hey, a girl can dream that maybe, just maybe, my real interview is stored somewhere in the cosmic archives, waiting to dazzle you all someday – because trust me, it was that good!

Now, even though we're a few months past Court Reporting and Captioning Week, who says we can't keep the celebration going? Come on, join us in extending the festivities – let's turn this into a year-long party! Who's in?


00:01 - Entrepreneurial Court Reporter Podcast

11:09 - Insights on Being a Court Reporter

17:22 - Becoming a Court Reporter


00:00:01.221 --> 00:00:04.169
Court reporters hold one of the most important roles in the justice system.

00:00:04.169 --> 00:00:11.029
We're entrusted with the official records of the courts and we also have to run our own businesses, which is not something most of us were prepared for.

00:00:11.029 --> 00:00:20.512
I'm Bryn Seymour, freelance court reporter and life coach, and I invite you to join the discussion about the problems we face and the solutions we create on the unique journey of a stenographer.

00:00:21.320 --> 00:00:23.849
Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Court Reporter Podcast.

00:00:47.020 --> 00:00:49.387
Hey, welcome to another bonus surprise episode ofial Court Reporter Podcast and what I consider great ideas.

00:00:49.387 --> 00:00:50.350
And he is calm, logical, smart and well-spoken.

00:00:50.350 --> 00:00:54.445
He helps me not to make impulsive decisions sometimes, which are usually expensive, and he keeps me in check, so it's a great balance.

00:00:54.445 --> 00:01:02.085
He is very supportive of the Court Reporter podcast and after listening to this recording again, this is like the same.

00:01:02.085 --> 00:01:12.489
At the same time that I was going through my old recordings and that I found the Bronx Court Blues, I found this one too and I just couldn't help, but I have to share it.

00:01:13.820 --> 00:01:18.292
Okay, so it was Court Reporting and Captioning Week back in February, and here's what happened.

00:01:18.292 --> 00:01:25.213
So I was working in family court and the administrative judge sent out an email appreciating the hard work of court reporters.

00:01:25.213 --> 00:01:26.983
But here's what the email says.

00:01:26.983 --> 00:01:30.694
News release date February 7th 2024.

00:01:30.694 --> 00:01:34.766
New York state courts celebrate national court reporting and captioning week.

00:01:34.766 --> 00:01:36.489
See, new York is just so great.

00:01:36.489 --> 00:01:54.626
Okay, new York court reporters play a vital role in our justice system Sorry, I'm reading the email in case I didn't make that clear and with the many opportunities available within the New York State courts to be part of this dynamic, rewarding and well-paying profession, the court system.

00:01:54.686 --> 00:02:12.081
During National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, which is from February 3rd through 10th, and through various efforts, is paying tribute to its highly skilled core of court reporters, shedding the light on what they do, why it's important and the qualifications required to join their ranks.

00:02:12.081 --> 00:02:29.631
Court reporters, using the latest technology and working in a range of court settings, provide verbatim recording and transcription of arraignments, trials and other proceedings, capturing the spoken word and converting it into real-time text, ensuring complete, accurate and enduring record.

00:02:29.631 --> 00:02:37.814
The job requires speed, accuracy and attention to detail, in addition to other qualifications.

00:02:37.814 --> 00:02:40.782
It's a profession built on precision and veracity.

00:02:40.782 --> 00:02:45.813
Driving the National Court Reporters Association's anniversary theme and veracity.

00:02:45.813 --> 00:02:56.939
Driving the National Court Reporters Association's anniversary theme 125 Years of Accuracy and Integrity, calling attention to the pivotal role of court reporters in our justice system and the urgent need for more court reporters in courts across the state.

00:02:56.939 --> 00:03:21.966
The court system is amplifying its social media messaging, highlighting videos featuring court reporters discussing their duties and career paths see links below and displaying disseminating recruitment posters to inform the public about full-time, part-time and per diem opportunities for court reporters in judicial districts around the state Court system.

00:03:22.006 --> 00:03:43.954
Happenings during National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, among others, include a visit from Albany's Channel 13 News to Albany County Supreme and County Court to observe court reporters in action and talk about their critically important work with Supervising Judge Christina Ryba and court reporters from the court's 3rd and 4th Judicial Districts.

00:03:43.954 --> 00:03:52.920
And a joint news conference with Plaza College in Forest Hills, queens, which is the nation's largest court reporting degree program.

00:03:52.920 --> 00:04:17.581
That's where I went To highlight this meaningful profession, watch court reporters at work and learn how to prepare and apply for court reporter jobs in the New York State Courts with representatives of the court's Court Reporter Corps oh my gosh, sorry, that's like a mouthful and Human Resources Division on hand to discuss the nuts and bolts of the job, including how to start a court reporting career.

00:04:17.581 --> 00:04:22.908
We are indebted to our court reporters for their valuable contributions.

00:04:22.908 --> 00:04:31.509
The work that they do each day is critical to the court system's mission and operations, said Chief Administrative Judge Zayas.

00:04:31.509 --> 00:04:53.204
In recognition of National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, I am pleased to join in celebrating our highly trained and dedicated core of court reporters and encouraging students, job seekers and others to learn more about the rewarding career opportunities available, from court reporter trainees to senior court reporters in courthouses across New York.

00:04:53.204 --> 00:05:02.528
I am so proud of our extraordinarily capable and diligent court reporters, whose work is integral to the fair administration of justice.

00:05:02.528 --> 00:05:10.408
As we commemorate National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, it is my great pleasure to loud L-A-U-D.

00:05:10.408 --> 00:05:14.095
They're meticulous, year-round efforts.

00:05:14.095 --> 00:05:17.307
Let us all express our gratitude for their outstanding work.

00:05:17.307 --> 00:05:21.944
Said First Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Norman St George.

00:05:23.848 --> 00:05:29.523
Court reporters are crucial to ensuring there is an accurate record of court proceedings.

00:05:29.523 --> 00:05:34.721
I appreciate their contributions to the justice system, said Justice Ryba.

00:05:34.721 --> 00:05:38.630
Court reporters serve an essential role in the New York state courts.

00:05:38.630 --> 00:05:45.867
They are responsible for meticulously recording proceedings with unwavering precision In every courtroom.

00:05:45.867 --> 00:06:01.553
Their presence is indispensable, guaranteeing that every statement is accurately captured, thereby upholding the standards of fairness and accountability, says Christy Bass, the Court Systems Director of Human Resources.

00:06:01.553 --> 00:06:08.911
We hope to make more people aware of this gratifying profession and the career opportunities available in courts statewide to fulfill this important role.

00:06:08.911 --> 00:06:11.113
End quote.

00:06:11.113 --> 00:06:13.326
And then another quote starts here.

00:06:13.939 --> 00:06:19.233
Court reporting is one of the most lucrative and rewarding careers that, regrettably, so few people are aware of.

00:06:19.233 --> 00:06:26.514
Although various forms of electronic recording have their place, they are not suited to replace the human court reporter.

00:06:26.514 --> 00:06:36.074
Real-time transcription and communication access, real-time translation that's CART services are here to stay.

00:06:36.074 --> 00:06:47.002
Artificial intelligence, as it relates to voice recognition, is exactly that artificial, said Michael DeVito, principal management analyst for the court system's office of the record.

00:06:47.002 --> 00:06:56.451
The New York state courts, which are in great need of court reporters, are committed to the continued use of the human court reporter.

00:06:56.451 --> 00:07:06.821
It is our hope that, by raising awareness, guidance counselors and student advisors will inform their students about this exciting career option.

00:07:08.283 --> 00:07:13.670
And then they go on to list some links of interviews.

00:07:13.670 --> 00:07:21.059
There's one of Danae Vidal who explains her role and talks about her own career path, so I'm going to link that out.

00:07:21.059 --> 00:07:24.389
I'll put these links in the show notes so that you can check them out.

00:07:24.389 --> 00:07:34.721
Shout out to Mike DeVito you are so awesome, you and Denae Vidal and everyone who is fighting for court reporters.

00:07:34.721 --> 00:07:38.168
So this week I happened to be interviewed.

00:07:38.168 --> 00:07:44.485
That particular week court reporting and captioning week I happened to be interviewed by an intern.

00:07:44.485 --> 00:07:46.269
It was very so.

00:07:46.290 --> 00:07:55.064
There's a local high school right down the street from the courthouse which I noticed one day when we had a fire drill.

00:07:55.064 --> 00:07:59.961
I saw the nice logo and sign which indicated that the school was focused on preparing students for careers in the justice system specifically, and I thought that was so amazing.

00:07:59.961 --> 00:08:02.526
I totally wish that I went to a high school like that or that.

00:08:02.526 --> 00:08:06.153
There was one that existed where I grew up, but that was not a thing.

00:08:06.153 --> 00:08:15.932
So, anyway, this high school has a program for the students where they go out and actually interview people in the court system to get an idea of what each role is like in the justice system.

00:08:16.500 --> 00:08:18.706
So guess who was chosen for the court reporters?

00:08:18.706 --> 00:08:19.769
Of course it was me.

00:08:19.769 --> 00:08:26.834
My supervisor knows that I have a podcast and that I'm all about getting out there and volunteering for good causes.

00:08:26.834 --> 00:08:31.190
She knew I would love it, so she volunteered me and I was so thrilled to do it.

00:08:31.190 --> 00:08:35.649
I have to tell you that this interview was good.

00:08:35.971 --> 00:08:38.964
It was amazing the kid that interviewed me.

00:08:38.964 --> 00:08:53.166
He had a notepad and a pen, he was taking notes, he had the questions very well prepared and the questions were either just really good or I was just in a really good mood and I just felt like I was so inspired through that conversation.

00:08:53.166 --> 00:09:07.956
I felt like the answers were so good that I gave, and I really wish it just felt very inspiring at the time that I wished that I had recorded it for the podcast and I even told them that I was like man, I wish, I wish I had recorded it for the podcast and I even told them that I was like man, I wish I had recorded this.

00:09:07.956 --> 00:09:11.647
I didn't know it was going to be so good and I'm still sad that I didn't record it.

00:09:11.647 --> 00:09:24.302
But well, I thought, no problem, we can just recreate the situation with my husband, joey Meet Joey through this interview that we recorded last week I mean, I'm sorry that week back in February.

00:09:24.302 --> 00:09:28.168
It's now May, it's May now.

00:09:28.328 --> 00:09:29.332
So this was like a throwback.

00:09:29.332 --> 00:09:36.815
You know, I have to say that at that time that we recorded this number one, we were in my closet studio so it was hard to take it seriously.

00:09:36.815 --> 00:09:40.875
Number two he is my husband, so it was even harder to take it seriously.

00:09:40.875 --> 00:09:52.077
So excuse my laughter in the beginning, but I could have just edited that part out, but I wanted to keep it for the authenticity and the hope that maybe it brings some laughter to you too.

00:09:52.845 --> 00:10:04.778
But anyway, after we recorded it I felt like wow, that wasn't really inspiring at all, not even close to how inspiring the actual interview with the intern was from that high school at the court system.

00:10:04.778 --> 00:10:06.825
That was just why didn't I record that?

00:10:06.825 --> 00:10:11.496
But yeah, so I thought there is absolutely no way I'm going to release this episode.

00:10:11.496 --> 00:10:13.250
It did not feel inspiring.

00:10:13.250 --> 00:10:14.375
It felt no way I'm going to release this episode.

00:10:14.375 --> 00:10:15.278
It did not feel inspiring, it felt stupid.

00:10:15.278 --> 00:10:15.660
I'm sorry it felt.

00:10:15.660 --> 00:10:16.263
It just felt dumb.

00:10:16.263 --> 00:10:21.056
But like I didn't think I provided any value in that interview.

00:10:21.056 --> 00:10:29.414
But now listening to it, as I'm going through and reminiscing on old times, I kind of feel compelled to share it.

00:10:29.414 --> 00:10:31.105
I think it's funny, I think it's.

00:10:31.105 --> 00:10:33.049
There is some value in there.

00:10:33.049 --> 00:10:39.693
Maybe not as much as the original interview with the intern, but here we go, enjoy it.

00:10:47.405 --> 00:10:48.427
You have to introduce it.

00:10:48.427 --> 00:10:51.210
You have to.

00:10:51.210 --> 00:10:56.998
How do you normally start it, hi Welcome.

00:11:04.152 --> 00:11:06.518
Welcome to the Court Reporter Podcast.

00:11:08.287 --> 00:11:09.110
Thank you for having me.

00:11:09.504 --> 00:11:11.932
Do you have any questions about being a court reporter?

00:11:12.514 --> 00:11:12.794
I do.

00:11:12.794 --> 00:11:16.472
We just celebrated National Court Reporter Week.

00:11:16.693 --> 00:11:17.154
We did.

00:11:17.556 --> 00:11:17.856

00:11:18.384 --> 00:11:19.711
What did we do to celebrate?

00:11:20.826 --> 00:11:21.912
We're doing this podcast.

00:11:22.745 --> 00:11:27.936
Well, it's National Court Reporters Week, so all husbands of court reporters should take their wives out to dinner.

00:11:27.936 --> 00:11:29.610
This is so stupid.

00:11:37.105 --> 00:11:37.907
Anyway, do you have any questions?

00:11:37.907 --> 00:11:47.349
Yes, In honor of Court Reporter Week, we want to make this all about court reporters, and so my first question is something that I'm sure the audience will be able to relate to but, from your point of view, what is it like to be a court reporter?

00:11:48.652 --> 00:11:51.192
Do you want to know like what is a day in the life of a court reporter?

00:11:51.192 --> 00:11:53.066
Look like, or more like, what are a day in the life of a court reporter look like, or more like.

00:11:53.166 --> 00:11:55.332
What are some of the perks of being a court reporter?

00:11:55.332 --> 00:11:56.495
What are some of the pitfalls?

00:11:56.725 --> 00:11:57.307
It depends.

00:11:57.307 --> 00:12:00.193
There are different career paths that you can take as a court reporter.

00:12:00.193 --> 00:12:11.131
For most of my life as a court reporter I have been a freelancer and some of the perks or some of the benefits of being a freelance court reporter are the fact that you get to make your own schedule.

00:12:11.131 --> 00:12:15.278
You get to choose what days you want to accept a job and what days you don't want to accept a job.

00:12:15.278 --> 00:12:27.988
But some of the downfalls are that unless you're able to select what type of job you get and how long they are and how big they are, slash how many copies you're going to sell like we don't know all those details up front.

00:12:28.207 --> 00:12:58.332
So one of the downfalls is that if you're not able to choose that which I don't know I wasn't really ever able to do that I'm sure maybe if someone sticks with an agency for a really long time or maybe has a really good relationship with their agency or just has found a really amazing agency that treats the court reporters really well and treats them like partners in their businesses, then they could probably work together to know in advance what type of jobs and to kind of request certain types of jobs.

00:12:58.332 --> 00:13:01.831
But when you don't know those details.

00:13:01.831 --> 00:13:11.136
Oftentimes there could be a very small job or it could be a very big job and if you don't get to choose, then like I felt a lot of times like I had to just take whatever I could get.

00:13:11.136 --> 00:13:13.528
But I'm sure that there are ways that you can get to.

00:13:13.528 --> 00:13:28.048
You know, there are times where it can be like way more than enough and then times where it seems like it's not very much so, speaking of freelance court reporting, which one do you prefer?

00:13:28.129 --> 00:13:32.479
do you prefer working directly for the court or do you prefer freelance?

00:13:33.625 --> 00:13:39.845
So freelance, I just prefer the stability and the flexibility.

00:13:39.845 --> 00:13:41.830
I mean the, not the flexibility.

00:13:41.830 --> 00:13:44.136
Like I like the flexibility but I don't like it.

00:13:44.136 --> 00:13:47.615
Like I think some people do well with that but others need more structure.

00:13:47.615 --> 00:13:54.311
I think I like the structure and I like having being able to go to the same place every day, knowing where I'm keeping.

00:13:54.311 --> 00:14:00.212
All my equipment is in the same place, like not having to lug it around into all different different types of places, I mean.

00:14:00.212 --> 00:14:01.436
But that's also a good thing.

00:14:01.436 --> 00:14:02.648
It keeps things exciting.

00:14:02.648 --> 00:14:06.966
When you're going to a new place every day, meeting new people every day, you don't know where you're gonna go.

00:14:06.966 --> 00:14:10.029
That is kind of exciting, but it's also overwhelming.

00:14:10.029 --> 00:14:18.120
So I prefer to just go to the same place every day and I still get to meet new people and I still get to experience many different types of proceedings.

00:14:19.044 --> 00:14:30.759
I'm sure with that structure and having, I guess, a predictable schedule and everything like that, there's a lot less to worry about in terms of running your own business too.

00:14:30.759 --> 00:14:35.445
Yeah, there's a lot less to worry about in terms of running your own business too.

00:14:35.445 --> 00:14:44.085
Yeah, so lately, as you've been working in the court, what are some of the biggest challenges that you've run into?

00:14:50.004 --> 00:14:55.341
Or, if you want, to reword it, maybe not necessarily in the court where you work now, but maybe just throughout your career.

00:14:55.341 --> 00:14:56.585
What have been some of the biggest challenges?

00:14:56.585 --> 00:15:07.149
Billing keeping track of finances, working with my accountant, finding an accountant that I can actually work with, that doesn't make me feel really stupid for asking questions and that can put things in layman's terms and actually help me to grow my business.

00:15:07.149 --> 00:15:13.818
Feeling in control of how much money I'm making and of my life, basically.

00:15:14.620 --> 00:15:25.317
Okay, on a more positive note, what is your favorite part or, if you have multiple, what are your favorite things about your career being a court reporter?

00:15:26.027 --> 00:15:27.924
I love writing on my machine.

00:15:27.924 --> 00:15:37.754
I love the whole courtroom aspect of being in the courtroom and witnessing everything that's going on and not necessarily having to get involved in it.

00:15:37.754 --> 00:15:38.557
Well, we kind of do.

00:15:38.557 --> 00:15:43.806
As court reporters, if you know, we need to make sure we control the record and get everything done accurately.

00:15:43.806 --> 00:15:47.812
But um, what was the question again?

00:15:48.914 --> 00:15:54.806
Just your favorite aspect of court reporting I just like.

00:15:56.068 --> 00:16:00.678
I like how it's such a specific skill and a trade that you can learn so quickly.

00:16:00.678 --> 00:16:04.375
It can be therapeutic even to write on the machine.

00:16:05.086 --> 00:16:14.125
Okay, so now, focusing more on, I guess, maybe the perspective of those who might be interested in becoming a court reporter.

00:16:14.125 --> 00:16:17.793
Would you recommend this career to others?

00:16:19.015 --> 00:16:19.817
Oh, absolutely.

00:16:19.817 --> 00:16:23.879
I think it's a great career and I think more people need to know about it and get into it.

00:16:23.879 --> 00:16:38.453
You know, if you type fast, if you're good at music, if you play piano, if you get really focused, maybe if you have ADHD because you hyper focus, it can be a great career for those types of people.

00:16:40.908 --> 00:16:58.934
So if somebody were to ask you how do I know if I would be a good court reporter, you would say if you're a good musician, or if you can type well or fast, you would say those are good qualities well, I would just recommend anyone who's interested in checking out the free program called steno a to z.

00:16:59.976 --> 00:17:14.191
that is a way that you can actually get hands-on experience trying out a stenography machine, typing on that machine and learning how to use it without even investing one penny Okay yeah, that's great advice.

00:17:15.476 --> 00:17:18.929
Then they can really find out if this is something that they want to do.

00:17:18.929 --> 00:17:21.377
Yeah, right, so that's good.

00:17:21.377 --> 00:17:24.387
How long does it take to become a court reporter?

00:17:24.709 --> 00:17:26.114
Well, generally it takes two years.

00:17:26.114 --> 00:17:28.132
That's like the length of the program for most.

00:17:28.132 --> 00:17:35.335
That's the length of the program is basically mapped out to be for people who are really good at it and who focus like I.

00:17:35.335 --> 00:17:52.329
For example, was able to finish in 13 months, so that's not too common, but some people are able to finish very quickly like that if they practice hard and focus and are already pretty good at have a natural talent, maybe played piano for most of their lives.

00:17:52.329 --> 00:17:55.190
I played from the age of five.

00:17:55.190 --> 00:18:06.595
There are people who do finish faster, some people do take longer and then others end up not completing it, but I believe that a lot of them end up coming circling back and then continuing to try.

00:18:06.836 --> 00:18:09.946
So would you like to see more people become court reporters?

00:18:10.508 --> 00:18:14.667
Yes, for sure, for sure, yeah, we need more court reporters nationwide.

00:18:14.728 --> 00:18:18.035
Hasn't there been a shortage in recent years of court reporters?

00:18:18.556 --> 00:18:23.012
yes, there is a shortage and it seems like it keeps getting worse.

00:18:23.012 --> 00:18:32.376
I mean, I'm not like an expert and I haven't, I don't have all the resources to know what's going on, and but it seems to be getting worse.

00:18:32.376 --> 00:18:54.584
But it also seems like more people are talking about it with the hopes of spreading the word and letting people become court reporters, and not only, like you know, it seems like more people are becoming digital court reporters in order to fill the gap, but a lot of stenographers are rising up and doing more outreach to promote the profession.

00:18:55.951 --> 00:19:00.797
So maybe someone might be listening to this who's interested in court reporting.

00:19:00.797 --> 00:19:13.762
Or maybe there's someone who's going to school right now and they're working towards becoming a stenographer, but maybe, you know, they might be going through some difficulties or they're thinking about giving up.

00:19:13.762 --> 00:19:18.040
What would you say to someone who's listening right now to encourage them to keep going?

00:19:18.569 --> 00:19:20.297
It depends on what's stopping you.

00:19:20.297 --> 00:19:22.597
What's the hardship, what's the roadblock?

00:19:22.597 --> 00:19:27.923
Is it because the discipline or the motivation, or is it because you really are having a hard time?

00:19:27.923 --> 00:19:32.777
No matter how many hours you put into it, no matter how much, how hard you try, you just can't seem to get it.

00:19:33.096 --> 00:19:39.346
And for those who are already successful and into their careers.

00:19:39.346 --> 00:19:42.315
You obviously established this podcast.

00:19:42.315 --> 00:19:49.576
So what do you hope to convey to the listeners who are already well into their careers listening right now?

00:19:49.576 --> 00:19:53.992
What do you hope this podcast will do for them or provide for them?

00:19:54.515 --> 00:20:10.653
Well, when I was a court reporter when I mean, I am a court reporter, but when I was searching for a podcast about court reporting I really wanted to find a resource that I could just listen to while I'm doing my daily activities, while I'm doing laundry or something there where you can multitask.

00:20:10.653 --> 00:20:36.755
I wanted to be able to listen to something that would up level my skills not just my like, not the obviously not the literal skills, but my understanding of the industry and my knowledge of the industry and just learn more about how to grow my business and how to be more successful, how to, I guess just you know, manage the life that we live as court reporters.

00:20:36.915 --> 00:20:53.971
Manage the business aspect especially, and the financial aspect, because that's a big part of running a business so you said the other day at work that a student interviewed you and that was your inspiration for wanting to do this podcast episode.

00:20:53.971 --> 00:21:08.609
So what did you take away from that interview, since usually you're the one who's interviewing people on your podcast, but this time, well, in this episode, you're being interviewed, but the inspiration was from the interview that you did the other day with the student.

00:21:08.609 --> 00:21:09.973
So how did that go?

00:21:09.973 --> 00:21:10.615
How did you feel?

00:21:11.397 --> 00:21:15.955
It felt really awesome, really amazing and really inspiring.

00:21:15.955 --> 00:21:21.231
He came in with an attorney and he had a notepad and he had questions.

00:21:21.231 --> 00:21:30.057
That was his assignment from his high school to go into the courtroom and interview all the different people that play a different role in the courtroom.

00:21:30.057 --> 00:21:37.882
It was very inspiring and I felt like the conversation was very smooth and very helpful for him.

00:21:37.882 --> 00:21:47.432
I think that he was inspired and he also wanted to take a look and check out the Court Reporter podcast and I think that he was really excited about it.

00:21:47.692 --> 00:21:51.743
That's so cool All right, there you go.

00:21:51.784 --> 00:21:54.150
I hope it provided some insight and brightened your day.

00:21:54.150 --> 00:21:57.519
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00:22:40.119 --> 00:22:41.363
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