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July 2, 2024

#49 - Summer Updates & RPR Prep Status

#49 - Summer Updates & RPR Prep Status

In this episode, I discuss my current status as I prepare for the upcoming RPR exam that I am registered for. I also share general updates and upcoming opportunities for you to get involved.

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To submit a story or an episode, choose your favorite question, record yourself answering it as if you're talking to a friend, and email it to brynn@courtreporterpodcast.com!

1. How did you get into court reporting?

2. What is your favorite part(s) of being a court reporter?

3. What was the biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?

4. What is a current goal that you have?

5. What is one thing you wish you had learned earlier and why?

6. What feature, tool, brief form, theory, or lesson has been most valuable to you and why? (Feel free to share more than one)

7. What is a good habit for court reporters to develop?

8. Do you have any workflow management tips?

9. Do you have an interesting story to share about something you’ve experienced in this career?

10. Have you made any mistakes or encountered any problems that you learned a valuable lesson from?

11. What is one question you think is important for new professionals to ask potential employers?

12. Do you have any advice for being a successful court reporter? Share any success tips you can think of!

13. What are some hobbies that you enjoy in your free time?

14. What you most passionate about that you could talk about without any preparation? (Could be related or not related to court reporting)

15. Is there anything else you want to share that I did not ask about?