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May 17, 2024

#43 - Family Court Harmony and Camaraderie

#43 - Family Court Harmony and Camaraderie

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Today’s special bonus episode is a tribute to Bronx Family Court, and what it was like to work there. It's these moments of connection with colleagues that make all the hard work worth it. Get ready for a special surprise: You might just hear a real, live practice session that went on right there in Bronx Family Court!

A judge, a court officer named Jesse and I bring down the house with a custom spin on "New York, New York." It wasn't exactly easy for an introvert like me, but that's what makes it even more special. 

In the end, I hope you feel inspired to know that each of us has the ability to shine a light in our corner of the world, sharing the unique gifts that only we can offer.


00:03 - Entrepreneurial Court Reporter Podcast Highlights

07:54 - Bronx Family Court Performance and Memories

19:53 - Court Reporting Growth and Impact


00:00:03.708 --> 00:00:06.674
Court reporters hold one of the most important roles in the justice system.

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We're entrusted with the official records of the courts and we also have to run our own businesses, which is not something most of us were prepared for.

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I'm Bryn Seymour, freelance court reporter and life coach, and I invite you to join the discussion about the problems we face and the solutions we create on the unique journey of a stenographer.

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Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Court Reporter Podcast.

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Hello, how is everyone doing today?

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I know this is a kind of a surprise episode I usually release every Tuesday morning at 8am but I wanted to release an extra one.

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I really love recording these episodes.

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I feel like it really helps me mentally and it is a great way to release what's on my mind and to just share it.

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We spend all day typing other people's words down and writing the record and not getting to speak or express ourselves or say what we want to say or say what we feel Okay.

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So today I was going through my Voice Record Pro app, which, by the way, is my favorite app to record voice memos.

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Even though it's called Pro, it's actually free and I love it so much because, number one, the quality is great and, number two, I can speed up or slow down the recordings as much as needed.

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I can't remember exactly what I was looking for, but I know that I was spending some time scrolling through my recordings and I went all the way back, I think, to November or December of 2023, listening to old clips, and I came across a gemstone of a recording that brought back some nostalgic memories from working in Bronx Family Court.

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So I wanted to update you on my transition to the Supreme Court and express how much I miss the warm atmosphere and the camaraderie of the Family Court.

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One of the aspects that I really loved was that I was able to host weekly lunch gatherings in the conference room, where I could book a conference room whenever I wanted to, because it was rarely being used by anyone else, where court reporters like me and other court employees could gather together, share insights.

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And we also did lunch and learns, where we would basically eat together and connect through conversation, and then we would watch an encouraging video about positive work interactions and maintaining good relationships and connections in the workplace, how to deal with conflicts, different personalities, and then we would do wellness and de-stress activities, such as writing in our gratitude journals.

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I bought a whole big box in bulk of little colorful notebooks and so I provided gratitude journals whenever someone would attend our little lunch session.

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We would also learn little tools on how to relieve stress, because when our cortisol levels are high, the stress goes through the roof and it's really not good for us.

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It can cause weight gain, it can cause fatigue, it can cause many things.

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So there are ways, and the way that God created our bodies is really amazing because there are nerves here and there and little tips and tricks that we can do to relieve stress Even thought work is a really good way to relieve stress and coaching exercises, so I'm going to share one exercise in an upcoming episode.

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Okay, so in the Bronx family court, we had so much fun together, but the Supreme Court actually lacks similar space for informal gatherings.

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So I've been in search of a place where we can gather together for similar activities here, because maintaining these connections and professional interactions and just eating together and being with each other, socializing at that time, is really valuable to me and I believe that it contributes positively to our collective work environment.

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There were always amazing events held at the family court.

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I would constantly get emails about the events that they were having.

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One time there was an event for Hispanic Heritage Month that I not only attended but also got heavily involved with.

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So the way that they were emailing was very consistent and very, I guess, persistent.

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They sent an email at least once a day, maybe even twice a day, I don't remember, but it was a lot and I remember thinking, wow, these people, this is so exciting Like.

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I can't ignore these emails.

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There's so much excitement contained in them so much energy and I just felt like the amount of emails was like above and beyond that they sent about this event every single day.

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So I couldn't ignore it and I ended up connecting with the coordinator of the event, who was a judge that I have since become very close with because of this event, like ever since this event.

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We stayed in touch, we had lunch together and we even went out to dinner together, we even went to each other's houses, and so it's just been a really great relationship.

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So I asked her when I first reached out and, by the way, when I first reached out, I didn't know her, we had never worked together but I asked if I could make my favorite Dominican dish, which is pastelon.

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It's called pastelon P-A-S-T-E-L-O-N and if you've never tried it, you must, you must try it.

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I used to live with a Dominican roommate.

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She made the best pastelón and she got me hooked on pastelón.

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Do you know those sweet plantains from the Caribbeans and Dominican?

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So those sweet plantains like the banana things that are kind of like a banana, but not that's what this?

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It's basically like a lasagna, so it's layers of the sweet plantain, ground beef and cheese.

00:05:05.535 --> 00:05:08.786
It's so good, it's like sweet and salty.

00:05:08.786 --> 00:05:19.047
Oh my gosh, if you like sweet and salty, I have a sweet tooth and so you know most meals don't include like sweets necessarily, but since this one does it, just I love it so much.

00:05:19.047 --> 00:05:20.410
But it should be homemade.

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Let me know if you come to visit New York, I will be sure to prepare it and invite you over so that we can eat it together.

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I'm not kidding, seriously.

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So okay, the judge who was in charge of the event was moved by this and she said, yes, of course you can bring it.

00:05:33.851 --> 00:05:34.132

00:05:34.132 --> 00:05:43.382
So I baked this like giant pan of pasta pasta alone and then I got two friends to come with me to perform.

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So I took it further by asking if I could have a friend come as a performer, because one of my good friends from church, she, is a professional Dominican singer.

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She's the best singer in the world, I believe.

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Then I have another friend who's a Juilliard pianist, so I got both of them to attend.

00:05:56.766 --> 00:06:03.067
So Lyseni would be the singer of the Dominican National Anthem and Irene would play the piano as her accompaniment.

00:06:03.067 --> 00:06:04.992
It was just such an amazing day.

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We drove into the city together from two hours north, and she even brought her own keyboard, just in case the keyboard provided wasn't up to par for the event.

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We really wanted to provide the best and celebrating Hispanic heritage, and so they ended up giving us an award for our outstanding participation and contribution to the Bronx Family Court through this epic event.

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The room was packed with attendees and the organizing judge said that she was getting accolades through text messages all day and night after the event, even as late as 10 pm, specifically praising the Dominican National Anthem performance by Lysenia and Irene.

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So everyone gathered around them at the end to ask for their information.

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Like a lot of people wanted to actually hire them to perform at other events, and we hadn't.

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That was not our intention at all.

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We had no intention of like gathering, getting paid or getting hired for anything else, but simply we just wanted to bring joy and share our God-given gifts with the world without expecting anything in return.

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So I was also reminiscing on the time that I met with the chief clerk to discuss my ideas for a staff and justice appreciation event, and I was willing to help provide food and entertainment to ease stress and brighten the days of the employees, including judges, attorneys, court personnel, everyone who works so hard.

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I was willing to get my friends involved and we wanted to help cook and host even host the whole event and like, do all the planning and coordinating and help with that.

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At least my suggestion was taken.

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Well, they expressed that an event like this would both raise the morale of employees and bring people together.

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So they went ahead and planned the event without my help, which I was totally fine with because I was busy and I was just happy that we actually got to have the event.

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I was so happy that the event happened.

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Whether I helped or not, it was amazing.

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I was actually a big part of that event because I performed, so there was a performance, which was also my suggestion.

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We wanted to do a talent show, so the performance was me, jesse and a judge.

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So I, I'm a singer, jesse's a singer, and then the judge is the pianist.

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She is so awesome and talented that she even helped to rewrite a song Um, the song Frank Sinatra's New York, new York song.

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She rewrote the lyrics to make it all about Bronx family court.

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And that is what triggered this episode, because I came across that recording of our practice session.

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So when we were practicing together, it was the first time, the very first time that we sang it together, so it was definitely a little rough.

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So I'm going to do you guys a favor and I'm going to play the recording, just because I know you're probably wanting to hear it.

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But just caught me some slack because this was the first time we sang through it.

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But just caught me some slack because this was the first time we sang through it.

00:08:53.364 --> 00:09:00.729
So there was a little bit of mess ups, some laughing and some big mistakes and also some missed singing spots, like we totally didn't.

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It was just like not the best.

00:09:02.870 --> 00:09:06.732
I wish I had a better recording, but unfortunately this is well not unfortunately.

00:09:06.732 --> 00:09:07.352
It's kind of funny.

00:09:07.352 --> 00:09:07.852
I think it'll.

00:09:07.852 --> 00:09:12.176
It'll make you smile and make you laugh, but this is the recording that I have.

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Don't judge my knowledge of the notes of the song.

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Okay, even though it's a song that everybody knows, you know, I know the main melody of New York, new York.

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It's not a song that I knew the whole entire song to, it's not a song that I regularly listened to.

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So just don't mind the parts where I kind of make my own notes and go really high when it actually wasn't supposed to go up start spreading the news.

00:09:46.769 --> 00:09:48.932
We're all here today.

00:09:48.932 --> 00:09:54.736
We want to be a part of it.

00:09:54.736 --> 00:10:06.270
Bronx Family Corps Our friends and our goals are all here to stay.

00:10:06.270 --> 00:10:12.110
We want to be a part of it.

00:10:12.110 --> 00:10:28.009
Bronx Family Choir Always wake up in a chord that doesn't sleep To find that case.

00:10:28.009 --> 00:10:32.470
That's a high Top of the heap.

00:10:32.470 --> 00:10:42.167
The motions are new, the work is all day.

00:10:42.167 --> 00:10:51.734
Each day's a brand new start of it In the Bronx Family Core and instead of it in Brahms' Family Court.

00:10:51.734 --> 00:11:01.890
If we can make it here, make it anywhere.

00:11:01.890 --> 00:11:09.634
It's what we do in Family Court.

00:11:10.201 --> 00:11:10.721
Does it go up there?

00:11:10.721 --> 00:11:11.865
I just want to make sure that's on.

00:11:11.865 --> 00:11:14.024
I don't know.

00:11:14.024 --> 00:11:15.672
I think we have to listen to the original Then again.

00:11:17.061 --> 00:11:27.563
How do you wake up in a court that doesn't see To find that mold on the walls?

00:11:27.563 --> 00:11:36.996
That's on the walls, that's on the floor, can't even open the elevator doors.

00:11:36.996 --> 00:11:38.446
It's so much like being in talks.

00:11:38.446 --> 00:11:48.972
Yeah, are here to stay.

00:11:48.972 --> 00:11:54.749
But we do succeed.

00:11:54.749 --> 00:12:06.940
Amazing Corps, if we can make it here.

00:12:06.940 --> 00:12:14.164
Friends we love so dear.

00:12:14.164 --> 00:12:24.173
The lyrics are hilarious.

00:12:24.173 --> 00:12:29.235
Oh good, sorry.

00:12:29.275 --> 00:12:31.158
Nice, yeah, yeah, very nice.

00:12:31.158 --> 00:12:39.893
The lyrics are hilarious and they really encompass the vibe of working at this courthouse.

00:12:39.893 --> 00:12:41.644
Start spreading the news.

00:12:41.644 --> 00:12:42.388
We're all here today.

00:12:42.388 --> 00:12:43.624
We want to be a part of it.

00:12:43.624 --> 00:12:44.688
Bronx Family Court.

00:12:44.688 --> 00:12:47.188
Our friends and our goals are all here to stay.

00:12:47.188 --> 00:12:49.067
We want to be a part of it.

00:12:49.147 --> 00:12:50.153
Bronx Family Court.

00:12:50.153 --> 00:12:55.669
We always wake up in a court that doesn't sleep to find that caseloads are so high top of the heap.

00:12:55.669 --> 00:12:57.981
The motions are new, the work is all day.

00:12:57.981 --> 00:13:00.267
Each day is a brand new start of it.

00:13:00.267 --> 00:13:01.450
Bronx Family Court.

00:13:01.450 --> 00:13:03.900
If we can make it here, we'll make it anywhere.

00:13:03.900 --> 00:13:05.462
It's what we do in Family Court.

00:13:05.462 --> 00:13:13.534
We always wake up in a court that doesn't sleep to find that molds on the walls, floods on the floor, can't even open the elevator doors.

00:13:13.534 --> 00:13:17.370
Obviously, that building had some issues.

00:13:17.370 --> 00:13:19.246
I think it was a little bit old.

00:13:19.246 --> 00:13:20.605
It needed some renovations.

00:13:20.605 --> 00:13:22.506
The Bronx Court Blues are here to stay.

00:13:22.506 --> 00:13:24.989
But hey, we do succeed in this amazing court.

00:13:24.989 --> 00:13:29.892
I think the lyrics changed a little bit as we developed the song and got better at singing it.

00:13:29.892 --> 00:13:34.047
If we can make it here with friends we love so dear, here's to you.

00:13:34.047 --> 00:13:35.190
Bronx Family Court.

00:13:36.695 --> 00:13:40.566
I just this brought back so many good memories, like I really miss working there.

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But there is a time for everything and no longer is it the time for me to be working at Bronx Family Court, but the time spent there was definitely well spent.

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I really gave it my all, not only in my work but also just to be a positive and bright light to the people around me and to bring joy and happiness and excitement to the workplace.

00:14:05.393 --> 00:14:09.544
You know I'm actually an introvert, naturally, but I made effort to.

00:14:09.544 --> 00:14:10.706
I really wanted to make friends.

00:14:10.706 --> 00:14:17.500
I really wanted to be someone that people could count on and rely on and could talk to and feel comfortable with.

00:14:17.500 --> 00:14:32.900
And then, okay, so at this event where I, jesse and I and the judge did this performance of the Bronx family court song before that I actually had a solo Well, not a solo court song.

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Before that I actually had a solo Well, not a solo, but I sang a song accompanied by the judge on the piano, and the song that I sang was Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

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And I seized the opportunity, while I had the microphone in my hand, not knowing if or when I would ever get this opportunity again, to actually speak to everyone that was there.

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The room was it's a very large room.

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It was completely packed and I wanted to introduce myself to everybody and share some words of encouragement.

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So I asked if anyone had ever had a bad day, which is obviously.

00:15:01.284 --> 00:15:07.291
Everyone raised their hand and then I proceeded to share an ironic story that happened to me just the night before.

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So the night before Irene was with me.

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Sometimes she comes with me into the city so we drive together, so that we're not driving separately and we're helping the environment by carpooling and helping our wallets too.

00:15:19.404 --> 00:15:21.765
So she came with me the day before.

00:15:21.765 --> 00:15:27.448
I needed to be in work by like 8.45, but she didn't need to be anywhere until 10, or maybe even 11.

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So she wanted to stay in the car.

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So she stayed in the car to give to the officers at the desk, because I wasn't available to come down because I was in court on the record when she was leaving.

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So I told her to just leave it with the officers at the front desk and by the time I left work I stayed a little bit late that day.

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By the time I left work the family court desk was closed.

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Luckily the court is connected to the criminal court, which was still open, but the criminal court officers did not have any access to the criminal court, which was still open.

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But the criminal court officers did not have any access to the family court desk and they couldn't help me.

00:16:02.350 --> 00:16:03.374
They could not get my key.

00:16:03.374 --> 00:16:08.293
So my key was locked up in the family court desk and there was nothing they could do.

00:16:08.293 --> 00:16:16.587
I begged, I, you know, I tried asking the manager, even you know, they got the manager involved, but there was nothing that they could do.

00:16:17.331 --> 00:16:34.578
So it was really like you know, when you have moments like that where you just don't know, like you can't find anything positive about the situation, but I did, I always find something positive about the situation and that was that at least I'm not stranded outside, at least, you know, in Supreme court.

00:16:34.578 --> 00:16:41.674
Oh my gosh, if this happened in Supreme court, I would have been stranded outside because the building closes and people get locked from the locked inside.

00:16:41.674 --> 00:16:55.812
But there was a story shared by one of my managers who said that you need to make sure you're out of the building before five, 30 or six because the building is locked and one time someone got locked inside and they had to make phone calls and like, go and unlock the doors and let them in.

00:16:55.812 --> 00:16:56.014
It was.

00:16:56.014 --> 00:16:56.897
It was a disaster.

00:16:56.897 --> 00:17:07.510
So I I'm so thankful that I was allowed to stay inside the building because I mean I can't imagine getting stranded in the streets of the Bronx at late at night.

00:17:07.510 --> 00:17:15.579
It was dark out, people are roaming the streets and it's not, you know, it's a safe area during the day, but nighttime it's a different story.

00:17:15.701 --> 00:17:20.907
So I actually invited my grandparents to come and have dinner one day.

00:17:20.907 --> 00:17:24.156
I didn't realize how bad it was going to be after 5 pm.

00:17:24.156 --> 00:17:34.047
My grandparents are from Greenwich, connecticut, which is a very, very nice town and that's where they grew up and that's like their lifestyle.

00:17:34.047 --> 00:17:36.808
My grandpa's name is Russell Reynolds.

00:17:36.808 --> 00:17:39.410
He was interviewed on a podcast recently.

00:17:39.410 --> 00:17:44.032
He's one of the top executive search firms.

00:17:44.032 --> 00:17:45.394
Russell Reynolds Associates.

00:17:45.394 --> 00:18:04.898
He classy people, and so none of us were really expecting to experience what we experienced that night in the Bronx.

00:18:05.280 --> 00:18:17.270
We went to a restaurant across the street from the courthouse, thinking I thought you know, this is a great area because it's the courthouse, and um little did I know that there were going to be people screaming, cursing in the restaurant.

00:18:17.270 --> 00:18:18.594
There was a fight broke out.

00:18:18.594 --> 00:18:19.155
Oh my gosh.

00:18:19.155 --> 00:18:27.468
Anyway, I'm just sorry I'm going off on a rampage, but on a tangent.

00:18:27.468 --> 00:18:28.789
So I asked basically I asked them all anyone ever had a bad day?

00:18:28.789 --> 00:18:29.551
They raised their hands.

00:18:29.551 --> 00:18:33.446
So I shared that story about how I got stranded the night before.

00:18:33.887 --> 00:18:40.192
Sometimes, when you are having a bad day, the best thing that you can do is just think of a better place.

00:18:40.192 --> 00:18:47.953
Luckily for me, it wasn't really that bad of a situation, but it was just ironic that it happened literally the night before this performance so I could share that story.

00:18:47.953 --> 00:18:52.894
I shared this story at this event and I saw the court officers faces.

00:18:52.894 --> 00:18:55.205
Some of them were just like oh my gosh, what Like?

00:18:55.205 --> 00:19:01.095
When I said that I got stranded and I was in the building until I was stuck here till like 9 pm.

00:19:01.095 --> 00:19:05.121
I saw some of their jaws drop because they're concerned about my safety.

00:19:05.121 --> 00:19:09.415
But I was able to be comfortable in my office, so it was great.

00:19:09.585 --> 00:19:14.798
But I had to wait for my husband to come with a spare key because I was not going to take the train and leave my car there.

00:19:14.798 --> 00:19:16.208
No, that just wasn't going to work.

00:19:16.208 --> 00:19:19.756
So you know, luckily I had work to do.

00:19:19.756 --> 00:19:20.926
I always have something to do.

00:19:20.926 --> 00:19:30.265
It's totally not a big deal, but I was just using this story as an ironic example, that when you have a bad day or when something doesn't go your way, all you can do is think of a better place.

00:19:30.265 --> 00:19:34.887
That led to my next performance of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, which was accompanied by the judge.

00:19:34.887 --> 00:19:36.067
And here it goes.

00:19:36.067 --> 00:19:36.689
Should I play it?

00:19:36.689 --> 00:19:37.429
I don don't know.

00:19:37.429 --> 00:19:38.509
I don't think I should play it, okay.

00:19:53.597 --> 00:20:13.092
Over the rainbow Way up high, there's a land I've heard of once, in a land of love.

00:20:13.092 --> 00:20:36.634
Someday Over, the rainbow, skies will bloom and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.

00:20:36.634 --> 00:20:37.895
Really do want you.

00:20:37.895 --> 00:20:53.622
Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far beyond me, where troubles melt like lemon drops.

00:20:53.622 --> 00:20:54.887
I'll wait about.

00:20:54.887 --> 00:21:00.201
As you touch the space, you'll find me.

00:21:00.201 --> 00:21:01.744
So here I am.

00:21:01.744 --> 00:21:04.987
I'm waiting for you.

00:21:04.987 --> 00:21:40.983
I'm waiting for you If I ever dream of a world that I can't.

00:21:45.944 --> 00:21:46.226
I can't.

00:21:46.226 --> 00:21:51.513
So if that didn't brighten your day, I don't know what will.

00:21:51.513 --> 00:21:53.316
Just kidding, okay.

00:21:53.316 --> 00:21:54.518
So everyone was so happy.

00:21:54.518 --> 00:22:14.172
It was just such a fun event and I just have so many good memories from that place.

00:22:14.172 --> 00:22:17.656
Even at that event it was just so touching to see the judges and the people who bring something.

00:22:17.656 --> 00:22:19.559
But they did everything and they served everything.

00:22:19.559 --> 00:22:22.173
It was so nice to see.

00:22:22.173 --> 00:22:26.069
I just love Bronx Family Court and it's definitely different in Supreme Court.

00:22:26.069 --> 00:22:29.510
But I'm adjusting and I don't know how long I'll be there for.

00:22:29.510 --> 00:22:30.153
But we'll see.

00:22:31.086 --> 00:22:42.015
I hope I can make as much of a positive impact in the Supreme Court as I did in the Bronx Family Court and I look forward to strengthening and continuing to grow in the relationships and the connections that I made during my time there.

00:22:42.015 --> 00:22:50.929
So thank you, new York, for all that you do, especially for all the support that you give to court reporters and upholding the value of court reporting.

00:22:50.929 --> 00:22:57.892
Thank you to Michael DeVito, eric Allen, valerie Monaco, renee Michelle, everyone else for all that you do.

00:22:57.892 --> 00:23:10.136
If there's any way I can help your mission through this podcast mission, then please do let me know and I will continue to serve my time in the court system with integrity and passion as long as I am working there.

00:23:11.246 --> 00:23:17.894
I hope this episode has inspired you to become the light to your surroundings.

00:23:17.894 --> 00:23:24.891
We all have different circumstances and the way we view our circumstances might be good and might be bad.

00:23:24.891 --> 00:23:29.169
There's always two different ways to view them and many different ways to think about things.

00:23:29.169 --> 00:23:40.546
So if you see the positive in your circumstances, find it inside of yourself, then you can shine and be the light in a dark place and really make a difference in the world.

00:23:40.546 --> 00:23:43.291
That difference is so needed.

00:23:43.291 --> 00:23:48.526
What you have inside of you, it's what the world needs, so don't be afraid to share it.

00:23:48.526 --> 00:23:51.247
Have a good week and have a good weekend, thank you.